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Dazzle on Me Edition

All Dazzling lovers are welcome. It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag, let's all join in one place. Post anything of the Dazzlings: drawings, discussions, stories, fetishes, re-edits, gifs, re-made songs (written or, if you had the guts to, sung), anything you like. Come here and show that you're under their spell!

Archives (green, thread, plus downloads): https://dazzlefan.club/

Guides for Aspiring Writers:

Art Compilation:

Steam group:

Old Shattered Gem:
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I love those faces so much.
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Sonata smashes Adagio
With spoiler, Anon. With spoiler
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I'd smash Sonata (sexually)
This reminds me of a green idea I had where Sonata was good at Smash Bros. Like REALLY naturally good. Dagi was pretty chill about it once she saw how much money it brought it and Aria would play with her after having solo concerts.

It started right after Sonata won her 25th tournament and Sonata wanted to do a tournament in person at a mall cause it was worth 30K in money(IMAGINE THE TACOS AND FOOD I CAN BUY!…..Yes Sonata is a foodie). Dagi immediately said no due to obvious reasons but Aria convinced her it was fine if she played bodyguard. Dagi went as well ‘just in case’ but at the Mall the place REEKED. Aria got a workout beating the devil out of losers, stalkers and a guy that refused to put on deodorant, but decided to enter with Sonata after learning Sunset and Rainbow Dash entered.

If I can find the idea I written out for it I’ll post more of the idea.
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Sonata…what did you put in my punch…?
Juice that makes your kidneys disappear
Honestly I kind of like dark skinned Aria.
>she draws furry now
OCs were a mistake.
I wonder if I have a thing for Stacy type women because in my youth they were a lot nicer than 'beta women'.
Ok found the idea and currently trying to recreate everything cause a lot was cringe. Picking up where this left this left off though:

Dagi was trying to avoid the smell as much as she could until the a male announcer tried to hit on her. She immediately shut him down which lead to him try to ‘cop a feel’ and her choking him out. Security came by and was gonna shut the whole thing down but Dagi agreed to be the announcer. She could have easily taken the money but decided against it just to see what her sisters could do. Ended up using a little to get a sign say she’d step on people for 100$ though.

The tournament started and Sonata had won against 3 people so far. While taking a break, a guy laced a drink Sonata brought with Nyquil. While Dagi watched her Aria opted to do her match, despite being tired from her own 4 matches, only to learn the guy Sonata was facing was the same dude that drugged her. Aria purposely picked Fox just to annoy him and it worked to the point dude admitted what he did. Not only did this cause him to lose but Aria immediately shoved his Switch controller up his ass to put the fear of god in him. As things started to calm down and Dagi got tired of stepping on losers Sonata woke up. As soon as Aria and Dagi made sure she was ok it was decided the last match would be a doubles with Aria and Sonata VS Sunset and Rainbow Dash. Unfortunately the match had to be postponed till tomorrow due to a dog(Spike) chewing through wires for the TV. This lead to gamer rage against the organizer but in the Chaos the Sirens took the 30K alongside a van Aria hijacked.

Will post more later tonight.
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Do you guys have a chances of getting a date from the Dazzlings?
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Dazzle your eyes on this beauty
100% I just promise Adagio that if she sits on my face I'll let her listen to me complain about OOP languages and drain all the anger.
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It does suck, but I mean she did give us like years worth of content really.
Who wants to tell him…
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>“Pu-lease Anon. You think you have what it takes to breed US?! Your poor ability could never satisfy us, much less impregnate. Go on, get out of here. Maybe Rarity will take your pitiful seed”
>Adagio nine months later
>Yes Sonata is a foodie
I have a similar headcanon. I like to think each of the Dazzlings is driven by a 'hunger' for something. For Adagio, it's a hunger for power and control over others, for Aria, it's respect and recognition from the other two and for Sonata it's a more literal hunger for food and new experiences in general.
That’s not even really much a headcanon I don’t think. They are all clearly hungry for magic at the least.
I like your trains of thought
you have AI now
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baby wants milky??? baby wants mommy's milkies??? little baby needs milkies little baby??? tiny little baby wants mommy milk??? here you go baby here's milky for baby
Yeah, it's more of a broad interpretation I guess.
If I spent half as much time writing greens about these girls as I do thinking about them I'd have a while saga by now. They're the only reason I keep coming back to /mlp/ and 4chins in general.
I'm not sure I like how this post makes me feel.
nta but yes I would like some milk thank you
It's not the same! It's... It's just not!
Now I’m just reading this in Aria’s voice. Thanks.
You realize what you started with this yes?
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>“Dont give me that look weirdo. You wanna bellyache and claim your ‘sick’ so I gotta go get soup or whatever you humans take when youre laying about being useless. Adagio won’t do it and I don’t trust Sonata not to bring back a bunch or snacks because ‘that’s what makes her feel better’. So, i don’t know just stay in your pity blanket and don’t make it worst. Because I’m NOT hand feeding you crap when I get home.
>mfw I actually am sick
Mommy Aria, please look after me.
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>“Are you serious? Anonymous, I gave you that pot of tea so you can sweat that bullcrap out of you. I KNOW IT HAS A SHOT OF WHISKY IN IT THATS THE POINT! Every time I try to not be a butthole to you you just justify my attitude.Now I’ve gotta reheat it. This time I’m not leaving till you drink it all. And clean all these snotty tissues. It’s unsanitary and hanging around all your sick is not gonna make you get better.”
Do you think they know fingers are associated with powers? Long ago I wanted to write an occultly correct story of them going through purity rituals to have any chance that their spells work. Obviously it's put on hold because a) there's lots of reasons how a person can become impure, and b) the latest push for the temple makes me think of stopping altogether. If you want to try: one chapter was about rubbing and ingesting sand and, funnily enough, staying away from grasses including wheat and corn.
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They never even had hands before now.
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Thank you. While I like the idea of the three top she-dogs spending time with each other and letting off some steam about their "teams" it's a bother to think all they're good for is gay porn. Where's the cute? Post the cute.
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Now that they do they do seem to use them fairly well.
>touch a dead body
>touch bodily fluids like blood
>touch chicken or clothes run over by a mouse - it has to be that a mouse has stepped foot on clothes
This is one of the more foreign ones.
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I've had hands all my life I think and I have no clue what you're talking about.
No objections here. I just posted it as I found it. I think the shipping is often overdone to the point of being obnoxious and OOC.
Double cleavage, nice.
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Ha get pranked Adagio, hope you enjoy the taste in the morning.
Don't worry babe, after you inevitably get sick from being around me, I'll be sure to return the favor.
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My Queen Adagio
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>“No, that’s not enough to do a ‘shimjob’”
got my new wallpaper. damn cute. i fucking love sonata so much. i wish my comm of her plush would update soon Dx
Magic with an extra k.
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Mmmm, Sonata water…
Morning, fishe
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>“Shut the fuck up. Have a good day at work.”
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Would it be better or worst if the Dazzlings were Kelpies instead of siren?
Feels like a downgrade. Kelpies are just kind of dollar store, country sirens aren’t they? Although I do suddenly find the idea of scottish country Dazzles rather appealing.
Hey, I'm getting close to finishing a short and silly story involving the Dazzlings, mostly Adagio Dazzle, and would you guys want me to link it here when it's ready? It's a fetish story. I can share part of the cover art with you now, if you want, but it's not finished yet and some of the anatomy is still a little fucked up.
They got a couple things going for them. Kelpies catch their victims by posing as horses near a lake (portal to the underworld in Scottish folklore) and wait for people to touch them. Their skin sticks to you as they drag you kicking and screaming down below the surface of the lake. Also kelpies can shapshift into humans as well because why not.
>Fetish story
Gonna have to be more specific.
Yeah, that's reasonable. It's a pregnancy story. Adagio Dazzle is pregnant in it.
I like the idea of them transforming.
Sirens, fairy ponies, kelpies, anything to catch ponies.
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Okay is she just pregnant or is she like PREGNANT. Because sometimes its hard to tell with your type.
She's pregnant, but the cover art makes her look PREGNANT because I had the artist use an up close and low perspective. Imagine she were pregnant and you knelt down or sat on the floor to look up. So, do you want to see the current state of the cover art, and the story once it's ready?
Yeah, she's drunk too much coke and swallowed mentos.
Yeah, normal pregnant stuff is nice but I think I’m good without the hyper stuff.
I mean you might as well post it after all this build up but I’m just saying is all.
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Alright. Again, the perspective makes her look huge, but she's meant to be a reasonable size here. The artist is still adjusting her hips, which need to be lower. You should be able to see how she can't button her pants at this low angle.

I've paid extra for a variant with EqG skin tones, but the main image uses natural human skin tones, and I imagine Adagio Dazzle to be on the tan side, but still caucasian. She's glaring at someone, but you'll need to read the story, or glance at the cover art, to find out whom.
Yeah, personally it still looks way too big even from that angle to me. Not my thing. Not so crazy about the bizarre realism details tacked on top of a cartoon style either.
>Yeah, personally it still looks way too big even from that angle to me.
Yeah, she may be twin-sized here, but her proportions are in line with photographic references.

>Not my thing. Not so crazy about the bizarre realism details tacked on top of a cartoon style either.
Well, some of that will go away once it's finished. It'll look much better once he paints it.

I'm sorry you didn't like it. Would anyone still want me to post here when the cover art and story are finished?
>Not so crazy about the bizarre realism details tacked on top of a cartoon style either.
Take away that dark smudgeon and I'll take it.
That's called the linea nigra. I'll tell you what, if I post the final image and you still don't like it, I'll see if the artist would do a quick edit to make it less noticeable for a few dollars more.
Need this to start my every day.
Y’know since you’re living here now, you COULD be a little nicer to me.
Unf. Hair down Sonata so pretty.
>*lick lick*
I feel like aria should have a tounge piercing.
>they don't know not to do this
n.g.l. wanna see that.
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Little piece of paradise
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Just the tongue?
A beautiful sight to wake up to.
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>“Oh? When then get this little piece of Paradise a pizza”
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Ugh... Fine what kind?
Maybe eyebrows and bellybutton
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>no linea nigra
I'm so sorry Anon
I would do whatever the hell she wanted. How is she so perfect.
I don't blame her. She has a big ass.
But why does she have a maid outfit inside an arcade?
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anybody wanna pitch in on the eqg thread intrash?

I would but I have no Dazzle pron
don't need to be dazzle, just has to be humanized pony.
To appeal to gamers. Are you complaining?
Watch the video. She's about to tip herself.
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If we ever got a Dazzle edit of this pic, which girls would be who?
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Sonata, Aria, Adagio.
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I wish that were me
She works hard for the money.
No, anon, she gets worked hard for the money.
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>“I already ordered it. Charged it to your UberEats account.Thanks”
I wanna share slices of greasy gooey pizza with Aria.
Wha-HEY! You’re gonna pay me back!
I love a woman who knows very well she can take advantage of you, and does so unapologetically. That said sometimes the brat requires correction. Sometimes brat must be plapped. The irony being that she ALSO wanted that and was just seeing how far she could push you before you pinned her down and took your libido out on her.
That… that actually sounds like something she would do.
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I miss them.
I miss EQG.
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>>41006107 #
>>41005957 #
>>41006188 #
>>41006306 #

>“*Yawn* Sure Anon, whatever you say”
Now I love a good correction, and could even believe Aria wanted it as much as she simply wanted to test her boundaries. But l mean come on, all she did was order a pizza. As usual her ideas are not very awe inspiring. I feel like if really wanted to make you angry this was a pretty weak try.
I want to feed them every day. And teach them about human life.
>”Oh yes, I’m sooooo corrected. Oh wow, I can’t believe you really corrected me. Won’t ever be a brat again. Nope. Not after that much correcting. Never has a siren been ever so corrected. Good job, Anonymous. You really managed it with that thing. Uh, some how. Now, could you go check if the delivery guy is here? I ordered some takeout while you were busy with your plapping thing.”
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advanced methods might be needed.
You don't live with her, the pizza is the straw that broke the camel's back. Sometimes it's the small things. And she knows that.
>As usual her ideas are not very awe inspiring.

I want to build tension by engaging in exchanges of roasts with Aria.
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I don’t know whether to spank it, or kiss it.
Bump with a bump.
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>i slap her ass with the brat paddle
It's amazing what a couple of curved lines in concert with each other can do to my ape brain.
I wanna aggressively grope her all over… I mean help her dry off…
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Brat corrected
Are you going to behave now?
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We need so much more of this. That anon or anons that generate these dazzles need to be employed full time.
>I squeeze her spanked ass and ask she's gonna be a good girl.
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Not bad!
…motor-boating those cheeks. Or taking a nap on them. Maybe both.
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Goth Valley Girl???
new eqg thread in trash if anybody wants to join in.

Bappin’ dat azz
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Clingy nata is best nata
Sonata is used to having her boyfriends/coltfriends stolen by her sisters, so she's incredibly clingy to her boyfriend and aggressive to other girls when he's around.
>"do you know why they say fatass when they see you"
I like to imagine she's a very prolific but otherwise low tier troll.
She has no use for the Internet other than telling other girls "you ugly no man will touch you".
page 9 bump
She totally will end her arguments with either "ur gay" or "ur ugly".
That shoulderless+midtiff Aria is killing me. And Sonata’s tits and pits ain’t bad either.
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Cute dub dubs
Adagio in 2020
>they wear the mask
>they use their magic to make others resist wearing the mask
>they remove them once their surroundings descend into chaos
>Sonata writes nonsensical posts about masks, that they're stopping you from breathing astrology
>some actually buy it
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Grump bump
>the brat is cooking up another devious series of transgressions that will result in anon dicking her down

Horny brat
They would definitely fuel both sides of the argument and feed off of resulting chaos
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Shes so devious...
brat does some correcting of her own
Who will correct the correcter? Is a brat a brat when she knows she's a brat? Is there any redemption for our filthy souls? These answers and so much more, in tonight's edition of /dzg/.
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I want to take a sniff of sonata's girlsmell boobsweat after a long, well executed show!
Story idea: the dazzlings become an up and coming idol group in Japan and Anon is their producer/manager/etc
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What are we gonna do backstage, nice lady?
Cute. And refreshing!
Wasn’t there a colored version?
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How could I not!?
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You're not fooling me with those balloons, Dagi.
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Cool outfit. Very fitting.
Here are your Dallzings, bro.
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why is Aria so square in the face
Spoiler that shit, bro.
Holy crap!
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Can someone make her blue?
She's so damn cute. She deserves to be adored everyday, but especially on this day.
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I want to share a siesta with Sonata.
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oooooooooooooooooo how dare you enslave the world
you are grounded grounded grounded grounded for 35907902573094340384093 years now go to your rooms
Do you really like these characters? Or are you just attracted to teenage girls and need an excuse to vent your sexual frustrations over your unfulfilled adolescent lust?
No. I hate them actually and want to see them suffer.
What a highly specific question. I like the fish. But do you need to vent, Anon?
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Settle down.
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If only it was this cool.
It’s cute how excited she is to show off the work she had done.
Fast board
Maniacally so
I love the tiny abs.
now that's a name I haven't heard in a while
>sonata with smaller boobs but super wide hips
my favorite
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You call that a booby bump? THIS is BOOBY BUMP.
They did him dirty.
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I want one!

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